
Wednesday, August 27, 2014


It's Work-in-Progress Wednesday.

1. Finish the Beginner Crazy Quilt class given by Kathy Shaw. It's been wonderful.
2. Begin the embroidery on some CQ blocks that I made several years ago (long story, will write a separate post)
3. Layer and quilt the baby quilt for the NICU at Providence Portland Hospital.
4. Pick another CQ project to start thinking about...

1. Make a snowball CQ block for Renee Y. Send it out by November 15th.
2. Finish the black, white and red quilt I started for my daughter many years ago.
3. Polish up this blog...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Okay, we're going to try this again!

I've begun doing crazy quilting again and next year, if they still do it, I'll jump into CQJP 2015 (fingers crossed that Kathy Shaw et al will continue it).

Speaking of Kathy, I'm taking an online Beginner Crazy Quilt class from her. It's FREE. Her love of CQ compels her to do it. The class is so amazing. Lots of work, it's been difficult to keep up in a dimly lit house after working at my full-time job all day. But I've learned so much. Hopefully, you will see proof of that on this blog...